Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Creating with Tiled Clip Art Borders & Backgrounds

As you can see, I do like creating clip art borders and those I have supplied so far are actually background tiles that can be tiled horizontally to create stationery or printables. Many web design, stationery design, graphic design, and word programs allow you the opportunity on how you would like your background to tile (e.g. Left side, Right side, top, bottom, entire page.) but for many Microsoft Word may be the only program they have to create printables. Never Fear! You can create printables using tiling backgrounds, too!

How to create a web page or printable with tiled backround in Microsoft Word:
  1. Choose the tiled background you would like to use and have it saved on your computer. You are welcome to use one I've shared in this blog.
  2. Open Microsoft Word and create new document.
  3. Under Format, Select background, and fill effects
  4. Under fill effects, select textures. Look! Microsoft supplies you with several tiled backgrounds! But go to the next step if you want to use the one you chose!
  5. Select other and this will lead you to browse and select the background file you have saved.
  6. Click OK after you've selected your file and voila! You have a page with that background.

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